The reserve contains the most extensive area of woodland on the Headland and so is important in attracting more resident breeding and wintering
land birds than any other nearby wood. In fact the blackbirds and robins you see on the reserve in the winter may actually be birds visiting from Scandinavia that have arrived to spend the winter months here. The woods are also important for bats that will search out the oldest trees with holes and cracks, which they can use as roosts during the day. Bats feed in the woods and around the trees of the car park after dusk on warm summer evenings.
In recent years the agricultural land has been included in a Countryside Stewardship Scheme to improve it for wildlife as well as visitors to the reserve. Not only are there wider field margins at the edges of the fields to encourage invertebrates, which is good news for birds searching for food, but many new hedges have been planted all over the Headland. The berry-laden hawthorn, blackthorn and holly trees in the new hedges will be very popular with hungry birds.
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